

It is our belief that no one should be turned away. NO LONGER BOUND MINISTRIES has a mandate to bring hope and love to the lost and spiritually broken. “Failure is not an option. Possibilities are endless.”

We are a Non Profit Organization

Our organization is too established and to help Christian inmates,brothers and sisters develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ while in prison,shelthers,homeless and then assist them in transitioning from prison life, homeless and shelthers back into society.

HOPE– to restore Hope through helping these brothers and sisters to develop a closer personal, love relationship with Jesus Christ.

RECONCILIATION– to promote Reconciliation to these Men and Woman to their Lord and to their Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

PROMISE– to help these Brothers and Sisters to become “Keepers of Promises” as they learn that God is Trustworthy and that He keeps His promises to us- He never gives up on us!

It is also our Vision, that as Hope is restored, Reconciliation takes place, and Promises are kept, that we may walk hand in hand with these our Christian brothers and sisters helping them to transition back into society; and that they will be changed forever by the love and commandments of God which are being written upon their hearts by His Holy Spirit!